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Well-being in the sauna world of the Hotel Reschenhof

Sauna world with outdoor pool

In the country hotel, the Reschenhof, we see to all your well-being needs. In addition to numerous other relaxation options, we also have a sauna world and a 25-meter sports pool in the garden.

It is generally known that trips to the sauna are relaxing and healthy. The heat not only alleviates tense muscles and improves your circulation, it also considerably increases your body’s immune system, and not just during the cold seasons of the year.  A heat treatment can also alleviate back pain, chronic joint pain, rheumatism, stress and even burn-out.

Liegestühle mit Grünpflanzen hinter Fadenvorhang
Kübel mit Wasser in der Sauna
The Sauna World Reschenhof offers a lot of recreational space

Sauna and infrared cabins

In the sauna realm in the wellness hotel, the Reschenhof, near Innsbruck we provide two different options to enjoy some healthy warmth. Our guests get to choose from a classic sauna and the heat of infrared cabins. 

Whether you prefer to enjoy a sauna or want to use an infrared cabin, is a matter of personal preference. Both systems should provide relaxation for your body by radiating heat, yet their effects are completely different.

Whereas in our sauna you get  to enjoy relaxing in warm air between temperatures of 80°C and 110°C, in our infrared cabins the heat emitted is about 30°C to 50°C and comes from special light beams, directly on your skin, without heating up  the room like a sauna does.

The effect of the heat

Yet just like in a sauna, the increase in your body temperature stimulates your immune system to mobilise more energy and increase your metabolism. The increased circulation should provide more oxygen to your skin, muscles and connective tissue and also provide more nutrients, which are beneficial for the detoxification process. Additional pain-relieving messages should easy muscle tension and mean that general relaxation ensues more quickly.

Outdoor Pool

Whether you're looking for a refreshing dip on a hot summer day or just want to do your laps in the morning. Our 25-metre sports pool in the well-kept garden is the perfect place for it. Dive into the deep blue and feel the clear refreshing water around you.

Well-being in the wellness Hotel Reschenhof****

At the Wellnesshotel Reschenhof we offer our guests a sauna and a solarium as well as some other wellness treatments. Do you feel like a relaxing break from everyday life? Come to us at the Reschenhof. Here you will find the best conditions for your relaxation.

Our sauna is open daily from 4 pm to 10 pm. External guests are also welcome to experience a few relaxing hours at the Hotel Der Reschenhof for only € 25,-.

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We look forward to welcoming you!

Fancy a relaxing break from the daily grind? Then come to the Reschenhof, where you will find everything you need to help you relax.